Saturday, April 24, 2010

Melepas Lelah

Setelah berlelah-lelah ria selama hampir 2 stengah tahun, akhirnya Tuhan menunjukkan jalanNya ke gw. Hahahaha... bisa dibilang menyenangkan, sangaaaat menyenangkan, karena jalanNya itu bener-bener yang tak terbayangkan. Yang gk pernah gw bayangin. Ni ya, bayangin kalo tiba-tiba ditengah-tengah keterpurukan dan ksengsaraan loe yang klyatanny gk punya titik akhir, muncul sesuatu yang indah yang gk akan loe tolak apapun resikony. Yap. That is what happen with me. In the middle of my 'craziness sindrom' because of an ugly, stupid, nasty, bad boy, God sent me an angle (hahahha.. lebay version nii). Pkoknya, God sent me a handsome, smart, kind, humoris, an extraordinary boy to me to be loving.

Yah,, it's not that easy si.. Need 2 months for me, for my heart, to learn how to love and be loved again. Of course he love me.. But i can't feel the same way like he does.. Untuk 2 bulan pertama, gw cuma menerima perasaanny, tp belom bisa membalas. Tapi, puji Tuhan, bulan-bulan berikutny gw sudah bisa membalas perasaanny juga, selain menerimany. I feel happy for it. I just feel like i'm loving the right person. The 'real' right person. Until now, i believe that God choosing him for me. To love me whatever I am, to protect me, to understand me, to just loving me without any condition.
We've through more than one problems in our relationship. One of them almost, very close, destroy our relationship. But again, i think this is how God's measures. He want to see how we survive from this complicated problem. I'm sure, another couple won't be survive from this problem of mine. But we, him and i, can.

So, i'm done of denying it. This is God's will. I will be gratefull to God, i will take care and watch over this relationship in order to keep it whole (utuh).